The Los Angeles Sustainability Coalition will provide a forum to address the construction and operations needs of the transportation industry by providing a forum for public and private practitioners, product developers, and the general public to exchange and leverage ideas and resources for the goal of attaining an economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable Los Angeles region.

There more 9.6 million people are living and working in Los Angeles County. Each year the numbers increase.  In an era where resource scarcity has become more pronounced, the time has come to begin working together and implementing  innovative solutions to our organization’s everyday problems.  We need to look at what we have within our own organizations and collectively leverage and apply those ideas to meet the future demands. The Los Angeles Sustainability Coalition (LASC) was created to help provide a sustainable and better environmental future for the Los Angeles Region.

Why Public Agencies?

Public Agencies have a tremendous impact on local resources and the Los Angeles’s Environment.  LASC will provide each public agencies a forum to leverage their best practices, demonstrate innovative solutions, provide training and establish strategies to meet the sustainability goals for the future.

Key public agencies become board members of the Los Angeles Sustainability Coalition (LASC). Each public agency will present their current Sustainability programs and goals for the upcoming year. Key public agencies will share what has worked, how to implement a program and share the benefits of those programs, and any resulting cost savings. LA Metro has been cited by the American Public Transportation Association, the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board, and the Federal Transit Administration as a prime example of how sustainability programs can be run. An agency can pick and choose from Metro’s experience and best practices and begin to make a difference within their own constituency’s and stakeholders. 

LASC’s Sustainability Programs? 

  • Energy Programs

  • Environmental Management Systems

  • Training and Communications

  • Innovation Solutions

  • Costing Saving Programs and Grants

  • Funding Sources

Join us! LASC will serve as that conduit for action.